Saturday, February 14, 2009

Public hospitals and their buckets of fail

Babies more likely to die in public hospitals

FOR every baby that dies soon after birth in an Australian private hospital, three die in the public system.

A sad indictment of public health. The reason being that public hospitals are usually underfunded, because they waste the money and their funding is determined by at least partly by politics, not only the raw forces supply and demand

Corrupt, manipulative SOBs

From news article Speculation on both sides of politics points to early Federal Election in September:

The Government must make a decision to go to the polls sooner rather than later before the package has had time to take effect, or risk worse news on jobs and the economy further down the track.

The possibility of an early election has been further reinforced by the news this week that the Government's proposed Emissions Trading Scheme has been referred to the Parliament's Economic Committee for review.

I mean, they openly admit how the electoral process is being manipulated.